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Where can I buy a new Antarctic coin?

New and older coins are also available from all good coin dealers. The world’s first Antarctic coin in 2008 celebrated the Centenary of Britain registering its first claim to the Antarctic. The coin depicts the official Coat of Arms of the Territory. More recent issues have helped promote the science, exploration and wildlife of the Territory.

What currency does Antarctica use?

The Antarctic dollar, occasionally called the Antarctican dollar, is the national currency of the Federated States of Antarctica. At the present time, it is pegged to the United States dollar. However, negotiations are being held within the GAMA to determine a universal value of currency within the Antarctic continent.

Is there an Antarctic dollar?

There is an Antarctic dollar, or Antarctican dollar, used in the Federated States of Antarctica. However, it's not a real currency and is not considered legal tender.

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